What Beginners Need to Know About Fire Warden Training for Workplace Emergencies

Fire wardens play a proactive and reactive role in workplace emergencies. They mitigate hazards likely to cause potential fires, gas leaks, and electrical issues. The professionals react to crises by following workplace emergency procedures for rapid evacuation. Therefore, a fire warden is a valuable asset to an organisation in saving lives and protecting property during an emergency. Before assigning fire warden duties, you need to train volunteers to acquire theoretical and practical skills relevant to workplace emergencies. Here is what you need to know about fire warden training for workplace emergencies.

Benefits of Fire Warden Training

When a workplace emergency, such as a fire, bomb blast or terrorist attack, occurs, you need trained personnel to coordinate emergency procedures, including evacuation. The guidelines can save lives before first responders, such as police, paramedics, and firefighters, arrive on site. A fire warden training also helps an organisation to comply with state and federal laws during emergencies. It is a requirement that workplaces have trained fire wardens to implement emergency plans. Besides, fire wardens are trained to use emergency equipment like fire extinguishers. Thus, they are valuable in fire detection and suppression. Most importantly, fire wardens can avert emergencies by eliminating or preventing hazards from turning into emergencies.     

Building Competence For Emergency Situations

During an emergency, a fire warden needs to use their training to help occupants get to safety. Some of the skills acquired during a fire warden training include assisting people in need of help during emergencies and conducting systematic search patterns. Fire wardens are also assigned emergency equipment so that they are well facilitated during emergencies. Also, a fire warden acquires knowledge to train employees and occupants about emergency procedures such as evacuation. Other essential skills include identifying and mitigating risks and hazards, emergency signals, warnings and fire alarms, and coordination with emergency personnel such as fire firefighters.   

Leadership Skills

An emergency in the workplace can send confusion, panic, and chaos among occupants. Fire wardens offer the much-needed skills during an emergency, including calming a chaotic crowd and leading occupants to safety. Besides, fire warden training provides leadership skills for safe evacuation. Some occupants can pass out during chaotic situations due to shock, while others might put themselves in danger knowingly or unknowingly. It is the role of a fire warden to stay calm during a storm so that others can follow suit, ensuring the safety of all if not a majority of occupants. 
