Essential Services to Expect from a Professional Air Quality Service Provider

The wellbeing of employees has a significant impact on their productivity. For instance, the healthier your staff is, the lower the rate of absenteeism. While some aspects of your employee health might be beyond you, you can at least ensure superior air quality at the workplace. You can hire an indoor air quality service provider to achieve a conducive working environment. The strategy is effective in areas where air pollution is rife. This article highlights critical services you should expect from a professional air quality service provider.

Air Quality Testing -- You cannot establish the quality of air in your facility unless you perfume particular tests. Therefore, this is the first thing you should expect from an air quality service provider. In a commercial facility, an air quality service provider focuses on three elements when performing tests: volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde. These are the three most common pollutants in crowded facilities, newly furnished buildings, and old structures. Therefore, ensure that a service provider tests for these pollutants before hiring them.

Air Quality Monitoring -- The results of an indoor air quality test can come back negative or positive for one or more of the pollutants mentioned above. After the initial examination, a service provider will issue recommendations for the best possible actions to eliminate the contaminants and to prevent future air pollution. However, an experienced indoor air quality service provider will not leave it at that. They will build your capacity to monitor air quality in your facility. For example, a service provider will set up air quality monitors in and around your facility to record and report on levels of contaminants such as dust and cleaning agents. Most importantly, the monitoring is done in real-time to ensure that customers and staffs are always safe.

Auditing Air Quality Standards -- All commercial facilities have a legal obligation to provide a safe working environment for their workers. It means that you have to comply with indoor air quality standards put in place by the Australian government. However, these standards are revised and updated regularly; therefore, it is essential to keep updated. It can be challenging, especially if you do not have an internal air quality management team. An indoor air quality service provider is best placed to help you in this regard. They will conduct an audit of your indoor air quality practices and inform you if you are compliant or not. Such an audit helps you avoid hefty fines for non-compliance.

To learn more, contact an air quality consulting company.
